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The only way to know a vessel’s true horsepower is by measuring at the shaft with a torquemeter.  It is very important to know the true horsepower before and after servicing the vessel in a shipyard.torsionmeter will help maintain the vessel’s performance by having historical data such as shaft horsepower, shaft RPM, shaft torque, total shaft revolutions, and engines hours, available to compare on a monthly, daily or even hourly. Our torsionmeter measures shaft horsepower, shaft RPM, shaft torque, shaft horsepower hours, total shaft revolutions, and engine hours which is triggered by the RPM setpoint.  We believe it is the most reliable and accurate shaft horsepower system on the market. A Shaft Horsepower system is used in the marine industry on vessel propeller shafts to measure the shaft horsepower, shaft torque, shaft RPM, total shaft revolutions, horsepower hours, and engine hours.Armature reaction and interpolesArmature reactionInterpolestransistor workingThe design of a transistor allows it to function as an amplifier or a switch. This is accomplished by using a small amount of electricity to control a gate on a much larger supply of electricity, much like turning a valve to control a supply of water. Transistors are composed of three parts – a base, a collector, and an emitter. The base is the gate controller device for the larger electrical supply. The collector is the larger electrical supply, and the emitter is the outlet for that supply. By sending varying levels of current from the base, the amount of current flowing through the gate from the collector may be regulated. In this way, a very small amount of current may be used to control a large amount of current, as in an amplifier. 
The same process is used to create the binary code for the digital processors but in this case a voltage threshold of five volts is needed to open the collector gate. In this way, the transistor is being used as a switch with a binary function: five volts – ON, less than five volts – OFF. open circuit and short circuit test tht trassi wantsfor motr lying in terminal coveryou will see six terminals u1,v1,w1,u2,v2 & w2then show by drawing ny one type of connection delta or star...i showed him star....for star bottom connection u2,v2 & w2 are made short by connecting to each otherso tell him remove the connecting plate of u2,v2 & w2take a multi meter switch it to ohmsfor open circuittake the probes and apply it on u1-u2,v1-v2,w1-w2if no open circuit then the resistance will be same and the values will be between 0.8 to 1.5 ohmsif there is open circuit then the value shown would be infinitynow for short circuitput the probes across u1-v1,v1-w1,w1-u1if short circuit then the values will be between 0.05-0.08 ohmsif no short circuit then the values will be between 0.8-1.5 ohms..


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