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Continuous synopsis record (CSR)

  • Continuous synopsis record is a special measure under SOLAS for enhancing the maritime security at the sea.
  • According to SOLAS chapter I, all passenger andcargo ships of 500 gross-tonnage and above must have a continuous synopsis record on board.
  • The continuous synopsis record provides an onboard record of the history of the ship with respect to the information recorded therein
  • Continuous synopsis record (CSR) is issued by the administration of the ship, which would fly its flag.
Following details should be present in the continuous synopsis record (CSR)
  • Name of the ship
  • The port at which the ship is registered
  • Ship’s identification number
  • Date on which ship was registered with the state
  • Name of the state whose flag the ship is flying
  • Name of registered owner and the registered address
  • Name of registered bareboat charterers and their registered addresses
  • Name of the classification society with which the ship is classed
  • Name of the company, its registered address and the address from where safety management activities are carried out
  • Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued the document of compliance, specified in the ISM code, to the company operating the ship.
  • Name of the body which has carried out the audit to issue the document of compliance
  • Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued the safety management certificate (SMC) to the ship and the name of the body which has issued the document
  • Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued the international ship security certificate, specified in the ISPS code, to the ship and the name of the body which has carried out the verification on the basis of which the certificate was issued
  • The date of expiry of the ship’s registration with the state
  • The continuous synopsis record shall always be kept on board ship and shall be available for inspection all the time.


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