- For engine seating a plate floor is required every frame
- Main engine seatings are in general integral with this double bottom structure.
- Inner bottom in way of the engine foundation has a substantially increased thickness.
- Often the machinery is built up on seatings forming longitudinal bearers which are supported transversely by tripping brackets in line with the double bottom floors, the longitudinal bearers being in line with the double bottom side girders.
- There are transverse plate floors at each frame. The thickness of the engine seating is governed by the power, weight, and length of the unit
Interlocks are provided so that the engine can be started or reversed only when certain conditions have been fulfilled. When there is a remote control of engines, it is essential to have interlocks. This reduces the possibility of engine damage and any hazards to the operating personnel. Turning gear Interlock . This device prevents the engine from being started if the Turning gear is engaged. Running Direction Interlock . This prevents the fuel from being supplied if the running direction of the engine does not match the Telegraph. Starting Air Distributor in end position . This prevents starting from taking place if the shifting of the Distributor has not been completed. Main Lube. oil pressure, Piston cooling pressure, Jacket water pressure, and important parameters must be above the required minimum. Auxiliary Blower Interlock . The Auxiliary Blower is provided in case of Constant pressure turbo charging. Air Spring pressure Interlock . In case of the present generation...
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