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Showing posts with the label Renewal of documents

How to Derate a marine boiler

1.Reduce max working pressure of boiler 2.Change the safety valve to larger size diameter  If you change the safety valve then need to increase corresponding waste pipe dia and also safety valve cut chest cut size need to be increased Option 2 is bit complicated so we go for option 3. 3.Reduce the firing rate by following   Change the nozzle Dp transmitter need to be recalliberated Steam cut in/ cut off will as per new max working pressure Set the safety valve for new max working pressure Accumulation pressure test to be done in presence of surveyor

seafarer identity document

Procedure for renewal of Indian CDC

PROCEDURE FOR RENEWAL OF INDIAN CDC Use windows  Mozilla Firefox for better resolution. Go to google and type dgshipping. and open dgshipping website. Click on the egovernance link and select Seafarers registration, a new page will open. if you are a new user then register first enter INDoS no & DOB. If already registered then use your INDoS no as user ID, Password ( INDoS no followed by digit 1 or changed password) Before apply for CDC renewal make sure you have updated your seafarer profile if not updated. Update seafarers profile fill out all your documents details and voyage related details. Go to “CDC management and CoC as a cook ”new page will open. However on “Submit Application” Select your desired option as explained above “Renewal CDC (New)”, “Replacement of the CDC”, “Duplicate CDC ”. Fill out all the data & Generate Application No. Under office Select “ SHIPPING MASTER OFFICE MUMBAI”( nearest shipping master) and ...